To make our fellowships a place of growth, respect, and transformation, we follow a set of principles that guide our time together. These are not just rules—they are commitments we make to one another as brothers in Christ.
What is shared in the group stays in the group. This is a safe space for vulnerability and authenticity—guard your brothers' trust.
Commit to attending regularly. Your presence matters, and your engagement encourages others. When life happens, communicate with the group and stay connected.
No one is perfect. We welcome you wherever you are in your journey, but we also challenge you to take steps toward the man God has called you to be.
Listen actively and speak with kindness. Avoid criticism, arguing, or judgment. Our focus is on mutual support, not perfection.
Share openly when comfortable, and don’t pretend to have it all together. Growth starts with honesty.
Our fellowship is about growing closer to God. Let’s keep the focus on His Word, His truth, and His purpose for our lives.
Complete the weekly readings and reflection exercises. Be proactive in applying the teachings to your life and seeking accountability from your brothers.
Arrive on time and stay until the end. Avoid monopolizing discussions; allow space for others to share.
Celebrate each other’s victories, provide encouragement during struggles, and pray for one another consistently.
This journey is not about perfection but perseverance. When things get hard, lean into the brotherhood for strength.
These principles help us foster a space where God’s presence can work deeply in our lives. Together, we build a culture of accountability, grace, and love.
If you have questions about these guidelines or need clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out to your group facilitator.
Deepen Your Faith: Weekly themes rooted in Scripture inspire reflection and action.
Build Brotherhood: Engage in meaningful connections with men who support and uplift each other.
Live with Purpose: Gain tools and insights to lead with integrity in your home, community, and beyond.
Overcome Barriers: Find strength to conquer fears, doubts, and life’s challenges.
Grow Spiritually: Apply God’s Word to your everyday life and grow closer to Him.